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Starting in 2024, NICHE-MED awards scholarships of $2,500 or $5,000 to support away rotations focused on training opportunities in the care of patients with IDD across the lifespan. Once rotation placement has been secured by the medical student, they can request scholarship funds by submitting an online application. Student scholarships are awarded on a rolling basis.
NOTE: It is the responsibility of the medical student to request and obtain (or complete) placement for the IDD away rotation prior to applying to become a NICHE-MED scholar.
For Medical Students interested in IDD care
Away Rotations
NICHE-MED has a growing library of IDD-focused rotations for interested medical students who wish to complete an away rotation and apply to become a NICHE-MED Scholar. Medical Schools can also apply to promote their Away Rotations through the NICHE-MED Away Rotation Site Library.
Frequently Asked Questions
In 2024, you can still apply for a scholarship to cover those costs that you had for previous IDD-related away rotations.
There is no final deadline, but scholarships will be awarded on a rolling basis until funds are no longer available.
Scholarships will be awarded on a rolling basis. There are two award amounts ($2,500 and $5,000). The amount of scholarship will be based on the proposed budget, length of rotation, and availability of funds.
Yes, because these scholarships are intended to cover incidental expenses (such as room and board, travel, fees) and not tuition, the funds received are considered taxable income. If awarded a scholarship, you will receive a 1099-MISC form by the end of January following the year of your award (e.g., January 2025 if awarded a scholarship in 2024) and you will be required to file this income on your tax return. The rate at which you are taxed will be based on your filing status and any other taxable income you receive separate from this grant. Please talk with a tax specialist if you have additional questions or concerns about how to file your taxes.
Unfortunately, at this time, the NICHE-MED Scholar cannot support medical students in securing an away rotation. However, your medical school should be able to help you with the process.
NICHE-MED has a growing library of programs that offer IDD-related away rotations. View them here.
Complete the Away Rotation Site Application to be approved and listed.